The festivities are on and everyone is gifting these days. So, we also crafted something special for you.
So, did you collect your Gift from the Bikat Outdoor Gear e-Store?
Not Yet? Here's how you can..
Book any trek/expedition now from our Calendar and get Outdoor Gear like Hiking shoes, Rucksacks, Warm Jackets, & much more, worth INR 4500 absolutely FREE*
And the best part is that we don't force any item on you. We just give you an Equipment Voucher and you create your own Adventure Wardrobe from our all new Outdoor Gear e-Store. Your time, your place, your choice!
Waiting to see you all dressed up on the next expedition :)
Hurry! Gifts are not available for ever and offers always last till the stocks last ;)
*Terms & Conditions
- Applicable on all Treks & Cycling Expeditions
- Applicable on Trek/Expedition Purchase Value (Total) of 20 k or more
- Applicable value for the offer would exclude Service Tax.
- Applicable value for the offer would exclude Add Ons like Transport,Rent etc.
- An equipment voucher of Rs 4500/- will be automatically credited to your account which can be immediately redeemed on Bikat Outdoor Gear e-Store
- Offer Valid till stocks Last.Stocks expected to last withing 15 days.
If you have a query, post it in the comments section below. We will get back to you.
Team Bikat
I have booked a stok kangri trek for two people. How to claim this gears?